Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Here Are Some Of The Recent Submissions TO PTE (More To Come)

The Rose Is The Beauty Of Life
It Starts to Blum On The Blue Moon
So They Say There Is
No Life On The Moon
But How Did This Rose
Get To The Moon?
This Angel:
With Sparkles All Over Her Body
Get To The Moon
The Angel Looked At The Rose
She Put it On The Moon.
~Mati Menzel~

Lost in Love:

Lost in my emotion,
lost in your eyes,
lost in a world,
where I fantasize.

Trying to get up and out of this hole,
gotta get out because I want to free my soul,
I'm burning inside,
yeah, my body's on on fire
come here baby,
and fulfill my desire.

Only you got what I need to satisfy my soul,
don't be selfish,
I want it all,
Just give me a kiss,
I want to be touched,
can't you see baby,
I need you...oh so much.

Deliver yourself and surrender to me,
give what I want and I'll let you be,
my lover, my heart, my aching desire,
grab your extinguisher and put out this fire.

Allow me to hold you and kiss you from head to toe,
tell me your fantasies, I want to know.
Give the chance,
for you will see,
the things I can do for you,
if you come with me.

~Kenny Royal~
A Slow Wet Thaw

Raw, nude, vibrating,

Absorbed of pulsing shudder.

Moist between thigh and brain,

infectious purgatory ache—

A pulsing wound that

draws what is close

even closer.

Couldn’t I escape you,

pulling my limbs wide,

then returning to your lover

to let me know again

and again.

This slight thaw, a slow wet—

Must now be

enough to remember.

Then the scorching tongue

traced down abandoned hips.

You weren't looking.

God, your eyes, your eyes

force desire which fuels

this desperate masturbation,

tick tick tick ticking. It

drags you home, panting.

A pulling away. One damn pull

saves this descent.

Draw blinds in mind’s house.

Draw blinds in mind.

How minds draw blinds till

blindness becomes the

newer wound.

(Cyndi Dawson)

Toddy Idol

Todd, we danced through

the Eighties, you in kilt and Docs:

the shaman of decadent punk.

You made playgrounds of us all

and we happily obliged.

When AIDS came to claim you

we pretended not to notice as you

shrunk into your spiked hair.

We refused the dark circles

and rashes no makeup could hide.

We kept dancing. It was all we knew how to do.

What you wanted was easy breath,

a continued ride on the swings.

Healing from the latest round of gay-bashing

was easy compared to the beatings AIDS dealt,

that toughest of bullies.

We stopped laughing so hard, and took off the Docs.

I found them in a closet yesterday.

Thought it might be time to toss them out.

I saved them as a way to keep you dancing

when your last dance was already long behind you.

(Cyndi Dawson)


Have you ever...
Dreaded to arise,
fearing your demise,
Demise of character,
sensibility and grace,
Left no choice but to
rant, to rage and to deface.
Filled with urgency...
Urgency to instill - some
sense, some patience,
some kindness,
Getting in return
more blindness,
Blind to facts, yet sighted
to myths.
Taunts, swipes, bickering and
Dreading to be on the
other side of the door,
Wondering but not knowing,
when you will take no more.
So you remain in bed, stalling
and delaying...
All awhile praying,
Praying and receiving, one more
minute of peace, with every
minute of sleep.
Have you ever dreaded to arise?

~Gina DeLorenzo~

Fuck Me

I want you to fuck me.
Fuck me gently
Fuck me right

Just don’t think I get off
going in front of crowds
and asking people to:
Fuck me.

And make no mistake either.
Because, you see
my grandfather was born in North Belgium
and there, the word fokken
means to nurture.

The same was true for fuck
until Latin was all the rage
and it was used by the rich
to bring down the poor.
Fucking was what Saxon farmers
did to their livestock
when no one was looking.

Therefore, I want to be fucked
but in the old sense.
I don’t want no fancy ideals
or airs of high society
but a gritty, grassroots, true to life, humble (eh, not so much) upbringing.
a Bohemian grand fucking!

Let’s stick it to the man
and take back the word;
let’s all get fucked together.

So fuck me

Like a farmer’s daughter does
to her beloved calf
with no menacing thought
entering her simple-hearted mind.
Taking care of my every need
pressing me up to her bosom
and holding me
through good times and bad.

Fuck me
like a mother does
to her newborn child
Every moment cherished
Every moment a gift of creation.

I want an honest to god fuck
like a Catholic schoolboy
I want to be fucked continuously
fucked until all I see around me is love
Fucked so that I can grow strong
and take on the world
Fucked so that I can blossom into a flower
bearing the most luscious fruits

I want to be taken from the depths
raised to great heights and fucked

I want to walk
in the Valley of the Shadow of Death
and have no fear
‘cause I know you’re fucking me.

And I will cry aloud:
“The Lord is my fucker
I shall have no lacking.
He leadeth me in green pastures
He bringeth me to flowing streams
and he fucketh me there.”

So here I am
a lamb
wandering alone in the wilderness
I need you
I want you
I beg of you
to fuck me
and help me find my way.

~Julian Taub~